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LGBTQ+ archives
Feminist and Queer Information Studies Reader
A La La La Archive
LGBT People and the UK Cultural Sector: The Response of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Heritage since 1950
Learning History through Digital Preservation: Student Experiences in a LGBT Archive
Archivist as activist: lessons from three queer community archives in California
Ephemeral Material: Queering the Archive
Bodies of Evidence the Practice of Queer Oral History
Do Archival Finding Aids Describe LGBT Individuals the Same Way They Would Describe Themselves?
Documenting Rebellions: A Study of Four Lesbian and Gay Archives in Queer Times
What makes an object queer? Collecting and exhibiting LGBT stories in regional museums and archives
LGBT Oral History Hub
Archives of Sexuality and Gender
LGBT Thought and Culture
Out in the Redwoods
The History Project Boston